Charles E. Kaufman Foundation

New Initiative Grants





Nathan Lord, Ph.D. (PI)

Assistant Professor, Department of Computational and Systems Biology

Mo Ebrahimkhani, Ph.D. (Co-PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and member of the Pittsburgh Liver Research Center at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Spatially guided morphogenesis in human liver organoids


Maria Geffen, Ph.D. (PI) 

Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. 

Jay Gottfried, Ph.D. (co-investigator) 

Arthur H. Rubenstein University Professor, Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor, Department of Neurology and Department of Psychology, Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania. 

Neuronal circuits for auditory-olfactory integration

Aditya Khair, Ph.D. (PI) 

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University  

Lauren Zarzar, Ph.D. (co-investigator) 

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Penn State University

Physicochemical communication between active droplets


Michael Platt, Ph.D. (PI)

Neuroscience, Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Marketing, University of Pennsylvania

Maria Geffen, Ph.D. (co-investigator)

Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania

Brian Litt, Ph.D. (co-investigator)

Professor of Neurology, Professor of Neurosurgery, and Professor of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

Optimizing optogenetics in the primate brain

Noel Giebink, Ph.D. (PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Kenneth Knappenberger, Ph.D. (co-investigator)

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University

Polariton Chemistry




Roberto Bonasio, Ph.D. (PI)

Assistant Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania

Arjun Raj, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania

Single-cell dissection of social behavior in ant brains


Andrea J. Liu, Ph.D. (PI)

Hepburn Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin L. Prosser (co-PI)

Assistant Professor of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania

Dennis E. Discher (co-PI)

Robert D. Bent Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

Mechanical signaling in early hearts: Theory & Experiment

Justin Khoury, Ph.D. (PI)

Associate Professor, Physics, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs, University of Pennsylvania

Tom Lubensky (co-PI)

Christopher H. Brown Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania

New Approach to Dark Matter


Alexander Deiters, Ph.D. (PI)

Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh

Michael Tsang, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Development Biology, University of Pittsburgh

Expanding the Genetic Code of Zebrafish

Ayusman Sen, Ph.D. (PI)

Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, Penn State University

Anna C. Balazs, Ph.D. (Co-PI)

Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh

Autonomous Interacting Microrobotic Systems


Veronica Hinman, Ph.D. (PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Jonathan Minden, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Alan Armitage, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Professor, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University

Danith H. Ly, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University

Developing a Sea Star Model for Regenerative Biology

Sergey M. Frolov, Ph.D. (PI)

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh

W. Vincent Liu, Ph.D. (co-PI)

Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh

Topological Quantum Wire Emulators